“Fairy tales speak to us, the story’s archetypal subjects instinctively understood because they are rooted in us.”
— Kitta MacPherson

“Fairy tales speak to us, the story’s archetypal subjects instinctively understood because they are rooted in us.”
— Kitta MacPherson
VILLANOVA, Pa. — Dressed in chic evening wear, the two law students squeezed their eyes shut for a moment as they thought hard about the question they had…
From the Koru Magazine blog, where I explain what drove me to write my newly published essay: “In Groves of Green, I describe what happened to me, almost from…
First we had the idea. Then, like Neo in “The Matrix,” we took a leap of faith. We called our friends. We charmed and cajoled them. We bribed…
SUMMER REVEAL: OBESITY AND BODY IMAGE I sliced through the water of my suburban New Jersey condo complex’s crystalline lap pool this weekend. I sucked the sticky air.…
Getting into the Flow The sages, that is, writing colleagues such as Robin Gaby Fisher, Brad Parks, and Tracey Michae’l Lewis-Giggetts, say you must write 1,000 words a day to free…
My Ireland-born, paternal grandmother, Evelyn Mae Dwyer MacPherson, with my father, John “Bud” MacPherson. Evelyn died of pneumonia two years after this photo was taken. (New York, New…